RV-8 Cowling
We produce high-quality engine cowls that are lightweight and have excellent strength characteristics. Our cowls not only make the aircraft look fast, they also make it go fast. Our latest design stems from decades of development focused on maximizing performance,
minimizing drag, and delivering a quality product to the aircraft builder.
The exterior surface of our cowls has few pinholes therefore requiring little to no filling before finishing.
We produce RV-8 cowl for both forward-facing fuel injection systems and for updraft induction systems (carbureted or fuel injection).
Our core material is a modern three dimensional fiberglass core material that increases strength and imported from the producer in Europe. We do not use the inferior and cheaper Chinese knockoff product available on the market. We do not use a traditional honeycomb core which have a paper covering and over time can delaminate from the heat, oil and exhaust fumes that seep through the outer fiberglass covering in other cowls.
Our cowlings for the RV-8 fit 320 and 360-390 forward-facing injected or updraft injected/carbureted engines. This cowl requires an extended hub propeller or spacer when used with a 360-390 engines. If you use a 320 with a 360 engine mount you will also need an extended hub propeller.
Some extended Propeller options are:
- Constant speed prop with an M hub Hartzell or equivalent or CY2R and a 2.5″ extension.
- Constant speed MT, please contact them for the proper hub specification.
- Fixed pitch or wooden with a 4″ spool extension.
RV-8 Cowl for forward-facing fuel injection
The dimensions for RV-8s with forward-facing fuel injected is:
- Length from firewall to prop flange: 39 1/8"
- Rear width at firewall end: 36 3/8"
- Upper half height at firewall end: 14 5/8"
- Lower half height at firewall end: 21 1/4". Note that this includes a 2 1/4" deep scoop that runs down the center of the lower cowl. The main body of the lower cowl at the firewall end is 19" high (excluding the scoop).
RV-8 Cowl for updraft induction (carbureted/fuel injection)
The dimensions for RV-8s with updraft fuel injected or carbureted systems are:
- Length from firewall to prop flange: 38 1/4"
- Rear width at firewall end: 36 1/2"
- Upper half height at firewall end: 14 3/8"
- Lower half height at firewall end: 23 1/4". Note that this includes a 3 3/4" deep scoop that runs down the center of the lower cowl. The main body of the lower cowl at the firewall end is 19 1/2" high (excluding the scoop).
All cowl kits include:
- Top and bottom cowl halves
- Three polished aluminum CNC inlet rings
- Oil door
- When purchased with a plenum we also include the neoprene and sealant to connect the plenum to the cowl rings
Consider using our MK3 induction system and pressure plenum in your configuration. Our ram air styled air filter system maximizes the delivery of airflow to the induction system. Our pressure plenum improves engine cooling and minimizes cooling drag.

RV-8 Cowl. Requires forward facing fuel injection and extended hub prop. Includes:..* Top and bottom halves..* Two polished aluminum engine cooling inlet rings (O.D. 5-1/4"; I.D. 4-5/8")..* One polished aluminum engine intake ring (O.D. 3-1/2"; I.D. ...
RV-8 Cowl. Requires updraft induction system (carbureted/fuel injection) and extended hub prop. Includes:..* Top and bottom halves..* Two polished aluminum engine cooling inlet rings (O.D. 5-1/4"; I.D. 4-5/8")..* One polished aluminum engine intake r...